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Dispute resolution between Jafza companies and their employees

Jafza shall first attempt to amicably resolve a labour dispute, arising between a Jafza customer and an employee, through Jafza’s concerned labour section. Where a resolution is not reached, Jafza shall transfer the matter to Dubai Courts (by any means adopted in the free zone with Dubai Courts, including the virtual reality smart court) when requested by one of the parties.

All matters related to the dispute are handled within the location of Jafza itself.

Both parties – the employee and the employer can be present at Jafza 14 and attend the session of the court. If any party is unable to attend the court session in person, Jafza can arrange for a virtual court session (virtual reality smart court) as well.

Steps to follow if any employee has a dispute

  • The employee must approach Jafza and register a complaint against the employer. 
  • Based on the nature of the complaint, Jafza will start the process by registering a case in the system.
  • Jafza will proceed to notify the employer regarding the case.
  • All possible attempts will be made to resolve the dispute amicably within 10 working days from the time the case is registered by Jafza. Failure to solve the matter within the stipulated time will result in Jafza forwarding the case to Dubai Court.

When a group of employees approach Jafza to file a case collectively, this will be termed as a group case. Such cases will follow the same procedure and will require a complaint to be registered by each participant in the group.

Employees can always contact Jafza to learn more about dispute resolution.

Steps to follow if an employer has a dispute 

  • Employers hold the power to terminate an employee on grounds related to non-performance, absconding from duties, breach of contract …etc and hence employers may proceed to take necessary action against employees when they deem it necessary.
  • In the event that an employer needs to seek further assistance to register a case against an employee, they must approach Jafza and register a complaint and provide adequate information to prove the reason for a dispute.
  • Based on the nature of the dispute, Jafza will proceed to register a case in the system.
  • Jafza will proceed to notify the employee regarding the case.
  • All possible attempts will be made to resovle the dispute amicably within 10 working days from the time the case is registered in Jafza. Failure to do so will result in Jafza forwarding the case to Dubai Court.

Need Help?

Businesses at Jafza can always approach the customer service desk or the Registration Section at Jafa for any help related to disputes. Please note, all disputes are settled in accordance with the rules and regulations of Dubai Courts.

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